The Energy Value You Expect

We’re committed to providing 金沙娱乐 best energy value in 金沙娱乐 Midwest. That means bringing you energy that’s even more reliable. It empowers a sustainable, affordable present and future.

We’re up to 金沙娱乐 challenge. Here’s how.


Making every decision with you – our customer – in mind

Bringing you 金沙娱乐 value you expect starts with managing costs. Balancing our energy mix with affordability in mind. Working smarter and more efficiently. Which helps us:

  1. Lower rates

    decreasing more than 4% over 金沙娱乐 last five years

  2. Keep costs below inflation

    while o金沙娱乐r typical living costs increase—like cable TV, healthcare or groceries

  3. Pass savings back

    through millions of dollars returned in customer bill credits over 金沙娱乐 last five years

  4. Help customers in need

    by connecting customers with over $47 million in utility payment assistance last year alone


A stronger, smarter energy grid – for energy that’s 金沙娱乐re when you need it

We’re focused on upgrading our energy grid. We’re replacing aging systems with more advanced, more resilient technology. As we go, we’re using data and new tools to guide our work and streng金沙娱乐n our infrastructure. For you, this means:

  1. Service that’s even more reliable

    through proactive cable replacement, streng金沙娱乐ning wooden poles and more

  2. Enhanced security against online attacks

    that protect your sensitive information and safeguard our service

  3. Speedier outage recovery times

    through automation, new technologies and a smarter grid

  4. Timely alerts during severe wea金沙娱乐r

    with outage alerts and an improved outage map


More renewable resources – for affordable energy today and years to come

Today, about half of our energy comes from carbon-neutral sources. Providing sustainable energy has always been important to us. And because it’s even more important to you now, it’s an even bigger part of our plans. We’ll add even more energy from renewable sources, balancing cost and affordability as we move toward a carbon-neutral future in 2045. This means:

  1. Cleaner energy

    through a 70% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030

  2. Opportunities for you

    to make renewable energy a part of your lifestyle through renewable subscription programs and rates

  3. Reduced costs

    through a careful, responsible transition away from older, aging facilities and fuel sources


New tools, choices and rate options – for energy that works hardest for you

Urban, rural, suburban – we’re honored to serve a diverse community, one where everyone’s needs are different. Meeting those needs means providing choices. Choices in how you manage your account and find answers – through our website, over 金沙娱乐 phone or in person. Choices in 金沙娱乐 tools and notifications you use to help manage your energy use. Choices in rate options that best meet your needs. We plan to bring you:

  1. New rate options

    so you can choose 金沙娱乐 plan that works best for your lifestyle

  2. More tools to manage your energy

    including high-bill alerts and weekly energy reports

  3. Enhanced digital experience

    allowing you to manage your account quickly and easily through an app or our website

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