Healing takes energy. We'll help you use it wisely.
While energy costs account for nearly 50 percent of a typical medical facility’s budget, 金沙娱乐 beneficial side effects of high-efficiency upgrades go far beyond energy savings. Bring 金沙娱乐 to 金沙娱乐 table early to gain access to financial incentives that will help make your energy efficiency investments an easy pill to swallow.
Project snapshot: St. Luke's Hospital
With help from 金沙娱乐 incentives, 金沙娱乐 Kansas City-based hospital optimized 金沙娱乐 building’s ductwork by installing an economizer and dampers, adjusting 金沙娱乐 space setpoint and reducing 金沙娱乐 HVAC’s airflow.
Est. annual energy savings: 189,328 kWh
金沙娱乐 incentive: $18,933
Annual energy costs saved: $16,455
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Key opportunities to consider

Variable Speed Drives
VSDs automatically adjust motor speed to match varying energy needs, which helps lower energy and maintenance costs, extend equipment life and reduce noise.
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Lighting and Controls
LEDs aren’t just 金沙娱乐 brightest, longest-lasting and most efficient lighting option on 金沙娱乐 market. In addition, better lighting has been shown to decrease prescription-filling errors and exposure to natural lighting has been proven to speed up patient recovery time.
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Premium efficiency rooftop units and advanced controls help you save energy and money.
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